Referencias Sobre Bienestar en Animales de Laboratorio

Ana María Román Díaz

Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Ciudad Universitaria. Coyoacán. 04510. México, D. F.

25 records from Clarivate Web of Science Current Contents Connect 

Record 1 of 25: Hinchcliffe, JK (Hinchcliffe, Justyna K.); Jackson, MG (Jackson, Megan G.); Robinson, ESJ (Robinson, Emma S. J.). The use of ball pits and playpens in laboratory Lister Hooded male rats induces ultrasonic vocalisations indicating a more positive affective state and can reduce the welfare impacts of aversive procedures. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 56: 4 Pp: 370-379: AUG 2022

Record 2 of 25: Ge, LN (Ge, Luna); Song, GH (Song, Guanhua); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yuang); Pan, JH (Pan, Jihong); Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yihang); Wang, L (Wang, Lin); Cheng, K (Cheng, Kai). PET imaging to assess fibroblast activation protein inhibitor biodistribution: A training program adapted to pharmacology education. PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH & PERSPECTIVES Vol: 10: 4 Pp: 997-997: AUG 2022

Record 3 of 25: Knaebe, B (Knaebe, Brenna); Weiss, CC (Weiss, Claudia C.); Zimmermann, J (Zimmermann, Jan); Hayden, BY (Hayden, Benjamin Y.). The Promise of Behavioral Tracking Systems for Advancing Primate Animal Welfare. ANIMALS Vol: 12: 13 Pp: 1648-1648: JUL 2022

Record 4 of 25: Almeida, J (Almeida, Joana); Severo, F (Severo, Frederico); Nunes, D (Nunes, Daniel). Impact of the Sound of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pulse Sequences in Awake Mice. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL WELFARE SCIENCE Vol: 25: 1 Pp: 75-88: JAN 2 2022

Record 5 of 25: Ferry, B (Ferry, Barbara); Gervasoni, D (Gervasoni, Damien). Improving Stereotaxic Neurosurgery Techniques and Procedures Greatly Reduces the Number of Rats Used per Experimental Group-A Practice Report. ANIMALS Vol: 11: 9 Pp: 2662-2662: SEP 2021

Record 6 of 25: Codecasa, E (Codecasa, Elisa); Pageat, P (Pageat, Patrick); Marcet-Rius, M (Marcet-Rius, Miriam); Cozzi, A (Cozzi, Alessandro). Legal Frameworks and Controls for the Protection of Research Animals: A Focus on the Animal Welfare Body with a French Case Study. ANIMALS Vol: 11: 3 Pp: 695-695: MAR 2021

Record 7 of 25: Atkinson, J (Atkinson, John); Boden, T (Boden, Tania); Mocho, JP (Mocho, Jean-Philippe); Johnson, T (Johnson, Tim). Refining the unilateral ureteral obstruction mouse model: No sham, no shame. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 55: 1 Pp: 21-29: FEB 2021

Record 8 of 25: Farinas, AF (Farinas, Angel F.); Stephanides, M (Stephanides, Michael); Kassis, S (Kassis, Salam); Keller, P (Keller, Patrick); Colazo, JM (Colazo, Juan M.); Thayer, WP (Thayer, Wesley P.). Sciatic nerve injury model in rabbits: What to expect. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 54: 6 Pp: 559-567: DEC 2020

Record 9 of 25: Robinson, S (Robinson, Sally); Sparrow, S (Sparrow, Sue); Williams, B (Williams, Bella); Decelle, T (Decelle, Thierry); Bertelsen, T (Bertelsen, Thomas); Reid, K (Reid, Kirsty); Chlebus, M (Chlebus, Magda). The European Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Associations' Research and Animal Welfare Group: Assessing and benchmarking 'Culture of Care' in the context of using animals for scientific purpose. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 54: 5 Pp: 421-432 : OCT 2020

Record 10 of 25: Cohen, S (Cohen, Shari); Kwok, M (Kwok, Melody); Huang, J (Huang, Joel). Humane Euthanasia of Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) with a Penetrating Spring-Loaded Captive Bolt. ANIMALS Vol: 10: 8 Pp: 1356-1356: AUG 2020

Record 11 of 25: Whittaker, AL (Whittaker, Alexandra L.); Barker, TH (Barker, Timothy H.). The Impact of Common Recovery Blood Sampling Methods, in Mice (Mus Musculus), on Well-Being and Sample Quality: A Systematic Review. ANIMALS Vol: 10: 6 Pp: 989-989: JUN 2020

Record 12 of 25: Alestrom, P (Alestrom, Peter); D'Angelo, L (D'Angelo, Livia); Midtlyng, PJ (Midtlyng, Paul J.); Schorderet, DF (Schorderet, Daniel F.); Schulte-Merker, S (Schulte-Merker, Stefan); Sohm, F (Sohm, Frederic); Warner, S (Warner, Susan). Zebrafish: Housing and husbandry recommendations. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 54: 3 Pp: 213-224: JUN 2020

Record 13 of 25: Lewejohann, L (Lewejohann, Lars); Schwabe, K (Schwabe, Kerstin); Hager, C (Haeger, Christine); Jirkof, P (Jirkof, Paulin). Impulse for animal welfare outside the experiment. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 54: 2 Pp: 150-158: APR 2020

Record 14 of 25: LaFollette, MR (LaFollette, Megan R.); Riley, MC (Riley, Megan C.); Cloutier, S (Cloutier, Sylvie); Brady, CM (Brady, Colleen M.); O'Haire, ME (O'Haire, Marguerite E.); Gaskill, BN (Gaskill, Brianna N.). Laboratory Animal Welfare Meets Human Welfare: A Cross-Sectional Study of Professional Quality of Life, Including Compassion Fatigue in Laboratory Animal Personnel. FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE Vol: 7 Pp: 114-114: MAR 5 2020

Record 15 of 25: Friese, C (Friese, Carrie); Nuyts, N (Nuyts, Nathalie); Pardo-Guerra, JP (Pardo-Guerra, Juan Pablo). Cultures of care? Animals and science in Britain. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY Vol: 70: 5 Pp: 2042-2069: DEC 2019

Record 16 of 25: Krall, C (Krall, Caroline); Glass, S (Glass, Spencer); Dancourt, G (Dancourt, Gabriella); Adams, M (Adams, Melanie); Koenig, K (Koenig, Kristy); Hutchinson, EK (Hutchinson, Eric K.). Behavioural anxiety predisposes rabbits to intra-operative apnoea and cardiorespiratory instability. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE Vol: 221 Pp: 4875-4875: DEC 2019

Record 17 of 25: Ved, N (Ved, Nikita); Curran, A (Curran, Angela); Ashcroft, FM (Ashcroft, Frances Mary); Sparrow, DB (Sparrow, Duncan Burnaby). Tamoxifen administration in pregnant mice can be deleterious to both mother and embryo. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 53: 6 Pp: 630-633: DEC 2019

Record 18 of 25: Robinson, S (Robinson, Sally); Sparrow, S (Sparrow, Sue); Williams, B (Williams, Bella); Decelle, T (Decelle, Thierry); Bertelsen, T (Bertelsen, Thomas); Reid, K (Reid, Kirsty); Chlebus, M (Chlebus, Magda). The European Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Associations' Research and Animal Welfare Group: Assessing and benchmarking 'Culture of Care' in the context of using animals for scientific purpose. LABORATORY ANIMALS Pp: 87998-87998 : NOV 19 2019

Record 19 of 25: Friese, C (Friese, Carrie); Nuyts, N (Nuyts, Nathalie); Pardo-Guerra, JP (Pardo-Guerra, Juan Pablo). Cultures of care? Animals and science in Britain. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY Pp: NIL_1-NIL_28: NOV 4 2019

Record 20 of 25: Hawkins, P (Hawkins, Penny); Bertelsen, T (Bertelsen, Thomas). 3Rs-Related and Objective Indicators to Help Assess the Culture of Care. ANIMALS Vol: 9: 11 Pp: 969-969: NOV 2019

Record 21 of 25: Lidster, K (Lidster, Katie); Owen, K (Owen, Kathryn); Browne, WJ (Browne, William J.); Prescott, MJ (Prescott, Mark J.). Cage aggression in group-housed laboratory male mice: an international data crowdsourcing project. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Vol: 9 Pp: 15211-15211: OCT 23 2019

Record 22 of 25: Hubrecht, RC (Hubrecht, Robert C.); Carter, E (Carter, Elizabeth). The 3Rs and Humane Experimental Technique: Implementing Change. ANIMALS Vol: 9: 10 Pp: 754-754: OCT 2019

Record 23 of 25: Balansard, I (Balansard, Ivan); Cleverley, L (Cleverley, Lorna); Cutler, KL (Cutler, Keith L.); Spangberg, MG (Spangberg, Mats G.); Thibault-Duprey, K (Thibault-Duprey, Kevin); Langermans, JAM (Langermans, Jan A. M.). Revised recommendations for health monitoring of non-human primate colonies (2018): FELASA Working Group Report. LABORATORY ANIMALS Vol: 53: 5 Pp: 429-446: OCT 2019

Record 24 of 25: Alestrom, P (Alestrom, Peter); D'Angelo, L (D'Angelo, Livia); Midtlyng, PJ (Midtlyng, Paul J.); Schorderet, DF (Schorderet, Daniel F.); Schulte-Merker, S (Schulte-Merker, Stefan); Sohm, F (Sohm, Frederic); Warner, S (Warner, Susan). Zebrafish: Housing and husbandry recommendations. LABORATORY ANIMALS Pp: 69037-69037: SEP 11 2019

Record 25 of 25: Gonzalez-Sanchez, C (Gonzalez-Sanchez, Carlos); Fraile, JC (Fraile, Juan-Carlos); Perez-Turiel, J (Perez-Turiel, Javier); Damm, E (Damm, Ellen); Schneider, JG (Schneider, Jochen G.); Schmitt, D (Schmitt, Daniel); Ihmig, FR (Ihmig, Frank R.). Monitoring System for Laboratory Mice Transportation: A Novel Concept for the Measurement of Physiological and Environmental Parameters. ELECTRONICS Vol: 8: 1 Pp: 34-34: JAN 2019

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